
How to register Ejari online in Dubai for 2024

Everything can be done via the city’s REST app

In recent years, Dubai’s rental market has bounced back strongly. After a period of decline from mid-2015 to late 2021, there has been a notable surge in rents and overall market activity. Specifically, from January to July 2023, Dubai experienced a 22 percent rise in average rents. Looking ahead to 2024, experts forecast a significant increase in rental prices: 20 percent for short-term rentals (up to 6 months) and 15 percent for long-term rentals.

This makes understanding the process of registering Ejari online in Dubai more important.

What is Ejari?

In Arabic, “Ejari” means “my rent.” In Dubai’s bustling rental market, Ejari is a system introduced by the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA). The goal is to regulate the city’s rental market, ensuring fairness and clarity in rental agreements.

The system is instrumental in resolving disputes and addressing issues related to rent changes. Upon tenancy contract registration, Ejari assigns a unique number to the agreement, providing an official record.

Mandatory under Law 26 of 2007, Ejari registration serves several key functions. It’s essential for setting up utilities like electricity and water through the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) in your residence. Additionally, building and community management companies require it for various administrative purposes. Ejari also plays a crucial role in family-related administrative tasks, such as renewing children’s residency, which depends on the suitability of the living space. Moreover, it’s vital for issuing and renewing commercial trade licenses.

How to register for Ejari online in Dubai?

While the primary responsibility of Ejari registration falls on the landlord, in practice, it often becomes the tenant’s duty. If you want to register for Ejari in Dubai online, follow this process.

Step 1: Navigate the Dubai REST application

To begin your Ejari registration, download the Dubai REST app on your smartphone.  Once you have the app, open it and navigate to the “Services” tab. Under this tab, find and select “RERA.” Here, you will look for the option “Register Ejari” and click on it to initiate the registration process.

Once you have the app, open it and navigate to the “Services” tab. Under this tab, find and select “RERA.” Here, you will look for the option “Register Ejari” and click on it to initiate the registration process.

Step 2: Complete the application form

Carefully fill out the Ejari registration application form provided in the app. Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, you will need to attach the following documents to your application:

Original signed tenancy contract

Security deposit receipt

Copy of your Emirates ID

Copy of your landlord’s passport (if an individual)

Copy of a valid power of attorney document (if applicable)

Copy of the title deed of the rented property

9-digit DEWA Premises Number or recent DEWA bill

Previous Ejari and DEWA bill (if renewing)

Trade license (for commercial properties)

If you’re not a citizen of a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country, you must also attach copies of your passport and UAE visa.

Step 3: Wait for approval and pay the registration fee

After submitting your application with all the required documents, wait for approval from your landlord. Once approved, you can pay the Ejari registration fee through the app. The total fees will be AED175. This includes AED155 for the Ejari contract registration (excluding VAT), plus an AED10 Knowledge fee and an AED10 Innovation fee.

Upon successful payment and processing of your registration, the Ejari contract will be issued and made available to you directly on the Dubai REST app.

Tips when registering for Ejari

Meanwhile, you can follow these tips for a smooth Ejari registration experience.

Register for Ejari under a single tenant’s name. It’s required to register Ejari under just one tenant’s name. When sharing a property, choose one individual to be the lead tenant who will handle the Ejari registration. 

Use high-quality scans for the landlord’s signature if not present. If the landlord can’t sign the contract in person, use only high-quality scans of their signed documents. You must also ensure the quality of any other document you will attach.

Ensure there’s no overlap in tenancy contract dates when renewing. Be careful to avoid any overlap between the end date of your current contract and the start date of the new one during renewal. This is a common oversight but crucial for legal clarity.

Date: 30 May, 2024

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